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Our core strength lies in the design, installation and supply of chemical dosing, measurement and control equipment for gaseous, liquid and dry chemicals. Our many satisfied customers range from those requiring small single chemical systems to customers requiring large multi-chemical fully automated systems.
KLOMAC has been servicing the water treatment industry for over 30 years and has the following equipment as part of their range:
Sole Agents for Chemical Injection Technology's Superior range of chlorination equipment. Authorised reseller for Wallace & Tiernan@ equipment. Sole Agents for Encore dosing pumps. Sole Agents for Pure-Air Filtration Dry Gas Scrubbers. Sole Agents for Force Flow chemical scales. Sole Agents for Halogen Shut Off system.
KLOMAC has a dedicated skilled technical team to support our customers from project inception, through design to installation. We can also provide full staff training and ongoing maintenance as well as hands-on plant operation. Comprehensive stock of spare parts is held at our Head Office. KLOMAC is geared up to provide innovative solutions to water treatment challenges from its long standing association with their various suppliers. KLOMAC has the in-house capability to manufacture and market disinfection systems, dosing systems as well as measuring and control systems. Basic control panels are designed and built in-house with signoff by a Professional Engineering Technician to ensure that the client is protected at all times. The worldwide knowledge of our suppliers experts is available at short notice and when integrated with KLOMAC's local knowledge provide the client with appropriate and sustainable solutions to all chemical dosing challenges.
SANS 10298
KLOMAC strives to provide installations that conforms to SANS 10298:20OSl Edition 1.2 ln-direct Small to Medium-Sized Gas Chlorination Systems for the Disinfection of Water. Our customer base spans all sectors of the water treatment industry. Many of them have been loyal to KLOMAC for more than twenty years and we strive to develop the same level of rapport with all new customers. Geographically our customers are spread throughout Southern Africa and even as far north as Tanzania. KLOMAC prides itself of its qualified and capable employees. Creativity is promoted and personal capabilities are improved through constant training and interaction on all aspects of the industry. In our design and operation of systems, environmental protection is non-negotiable and is always at the forefront of our design philosophy.
We have established a reputation for our ability to provide a complete dosing and disinfection solution. This is achieved through a comprehensive knowledge base to provide our clients with an optimal plant layout and design for disinfection and treatment of potable and waste water. Our experienced technical staff is available to assist with the planning and layout of plants of all sizes and compositions and we can provide expert input to consultants based on ECSA fee scales. lf needed, we can provide a turnkey project to suite the clients KLOMAC, as part of its comprehensive service will also maintain equipment to ensure that all your dosing and disinfection equipment is 100% operational at all times. We can contractually maintain equipment to operational standards according to legislated regulations for our client's peace of mind.
To ensure plant efficiency, we have launched a new service for the operation of treatment plants. With our extensive knowledge and resources we can manage your treatment plant and provide a cost effective solution for the maintenance and day to day operation thereof based on a comprehensive service level agreement.
Highest Manufacturing Standards
Flexible connectors conforming to SABS 10298. Instead of importing these items, they are manufactured in total in Pretoria. Fittings are manufactured by local engineering shops, attached to copper tubing in our workshop and then sent for nickel plating on the inside and outside.
We Manufacture
Chlorine manifold with drip legs or catch pod with or without heater tape. Chlorine manifolds in any configuration are manufactured in-house. The drip leg manifolds are totally manufactured in-house while the ones with the catch pods are built using certified pressure vessels. All finished manifolds are pressure tested with water and air for leaks before being sprayed on our premises.
Drum Frames Manufactured In-House
Frames for 1 ton chlorine drums. Apart from the wheels on which the drums are positioned the frames are completely manufactured in-house. Two types are made, one with mass sensors for drum that are in use to provide early warning for management purposes and one on which full and empty drum are stored. Lifting beams for 1 ton drums. Apart from the two end hooks and the central lifting hook, the total beam manufacturing is done in-house. After completion the beams are send to a certified laboratory for load testing and certification before painting and delivery. Control panels for various applications. All control panels are designed and built in house to the highest specifications. Complexity varies from single contact shutoffs for a single pump to complicated systems for automated monitoring and safety shutoff of that closes chlorine bottles in the case of failure.
All Equipment Mounted Professionally
Klomac has taken a serious look at quality- both in terms of technical integrity and visual appearance - now offers frame and backboard mounted systems as a standard. Pumps, controllers, injectors, etc. are mounted on a frame with a polyethylene backboard and properly identified with high quality marking stickers.. In the process, installation is done properly in a controlled environment in our workshop before shipping to site. The installation method removes the frustration of mounting on walls that are not always smooth and often result in an installation that is technically and in appearance below standard. Time on site, accommodation cost, etc. is minimised in this way.
Industrial Applications
With the largest portfolio of innovative products and services, and the most knowledgeable people in the industry, we are uniquely positioned to provide answers for some of the world's most pressing water challenges. Serving the needs of municipal, industrial and aquatic customers globally, our technologies helps customers conserve, protect and manage the world's limited water resources
Klomac cc is the sole supplier of Encore Pumps in South Africa. The Encore M series is an economical line of motor driven, mechanical diaphragm metering pumps. This versatile line offers two versions to meet a variety of applications. The intelligent Encore M offers state-of-the-art microprocessor control. By integrating the speed control, the Encore M eliminates the need for the further expense of additional variable speed controllers. High quality mechanics, combined with the proven reliability of our Encore M series brains, brings advanced technology to the metering pump industry. There are two chassis sizes within the Encore M family. The smaller size is rated for capacities up to 42 gph. The larger size is rated for capacities up to 92 gph. Pressure ranges are available to 150 psi, de- pending on pump capacity. Check valves are double ball or spring loaded single ball design. The Encore@ 7OO diaphragm metering pump combines the robustness of hydraulic diaphragm pumps with the unparalleled economy, simplicity, and serviceability of a mechanical pump. The Encore@ 700 pump is engineered to handle industrial and municipal metering applications in water and wastewater treatment, swimming pools, food processing, chemical processing, brewing and distillation, and agriculture.
PURE AIR Filtration
Pure Air Filtration's Sentry" Emergency Gas Dry Scrubber is the best line of defence against hazardous chlorine leaks at water treatment facilities. With only one moving part, the Sentry" is safer and more reliable than old fashioned wet scrubber systems, requires less maintenance, is easier to operate, and costs less. The Sentry'" is filled with our special UL rated Safetysorb gas adsorbent pellets that turn dangerous chlorine into harmless salts, which can be safely disposed of in any landfill.
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+27-012-541-7808/9 or +27-072-220-8275

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Our Physical Address

Corner of Lavender and Linvelt Roads, GPS : 25°39’11″S 28°11’32″E, Pretoria – South Africa , Onderstepoort, Wonderboom (AH)

KLOMAC – NOW CHLORDOSE. KLOMAC , KLOMAC , Klomac, WWW.CHLORDOSE.CO.ZA, WWW.KLOMAC.CO.ZA , WWW.KLOMAC.COM , Your original Klomac , now with a new look and attitude. Do not be fooled by people or companies claiming to be Klomac. Klomac operates from Pretoria. Klomac has only one office which is located in Pretoria Gauteng. Klomac does not make use of subcontractors. Klomac is a registered trademark in South Africa with 3 registered trademarks. Klomac is the only company you should trust for your water treatment and wastewater treatment work. Klomac has been servicing the water industry for more than 50 years. Klomac has changed to ChlorDose. Trust is earned, Klomac is your only solution.